Monday, September 13, 2010


In Port-Au-Prince there is an orphanage run by a man named Wilner St-Fort. Once an orphan himself, he began to take care of some of Haiti’s street kids. A Haitian orphanage is no more than an open lot that may or may not be surrounded by cement walls. With little if any, sanitation or electricity, they provide precious sense of belonging and security for the children. The struggle for basic survival is constant because food is so expensive and money so scarce. Dire before the earthquake, the situation is unimaginable now. Some months ago, my relief team in Haiti received a desperate call for help from Wilner. While at the orphanage, Wilner asked if I would buy a necklace or bracelet made by the kids. Inspired by their industry, I arranged to take back to the U.S. a large supply of jewelry created by children from several orphanages. All the money raised from selling these necklaces and bracelets goes directly to providing food, medication, educational material and shelter for some of Haiti’s most vulnerable children.

You can follow my work in Haiti by clicking on "April" in the archives of this blog and at
(click on the link "Our Mission In Haiti" on the right of this page)

Thank you for your help and support,
Cory Gould


  1. Love this!! Lil' Miss Zip loves this!! Sorry if I missed this, but do proceeds go to charity?! Love more info to write about!!

  2. Corrine- I would love to buy a necklace when I get back home October 11th or so. Let me know how!!

  3. I'll send you an email! Thanks xox

  4. These necklaces are beautiful and so filled with love and hope. Thank you for opening our hearts to the children of Haiti and offering up the opportunity to connect with them through your good works.
